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Publishing a Memoir in Midlife: Jane’s Story

The death, in quick succession, of her father and ex-husband led Jane to finally get serious about finishing and seeking a publisher for her memoir. In Broken Whole, she explores dating post-divorce and comes to terms with her life’s journey. Tell us a little about...

Sandra Ingerman, Helping Us Manifest Change

What is your life’s purpose? My life’s purpose and passion are to help people grow, heal from their past traumas, to bring in the goodness of life, to be a presence of love and light, and to gather communities together to perform ceremonial work. How are you living...

Michelle Wirth Fellman, Expressive Writing Coach

One of your areas of expertise is journaling. What are the benefits of journal writing? I learned about the benefits of journal writing early on. I credit journal writing for helping me through a difficult childhood because it let me voice my inner-most thoughts and...

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