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He Begged for Mama

I don’t have the words. I stare at the blank page and am at a loss. I am outraged and heartbroken. I keep replaying in my head the moment George Floyd calls out “Mama” as he is gasping for breath in his last moments. Of course, George Floyd is only the latest victim to the systemic racism and inequality in our nation. There have been so many victims. I feel sad and helpless. I am a privileged white woman and I am ashamed.

“Be the change you want to see in the world.” – Mahatma Gandhi

I need to raise my voice in solidarity with our BIPOC (black, indigenous, and people of color) brothers and sisters. How can we understand their pain, empathize with their plight, and promote change?

We must get educated. Here’s a great place to start: Anti Racism Resources. Want inspiration? Listen to the perspectives of Barack Obama and Trevor Noah.

We must own our privilege and prejudice. Don’t think you’re biased, even unconsciously? Take the test.

And we must take action. Vote for candidates at all levels of the government, local to national, who will fight for justice for all, regardless of the color of their skin. (Until the next elections, here’s an easy way to demand change from your government representatives, with only 2 clicks.) Donate to causes supporting racial equality. Use your platform, however large or small, to condemn racism.

“Justice will not be served until those who are unaffected are as outraged as those who are.” 
– Benjamin Franklin

With a belief in the innate worthiness of all human beings, I send love to you all.

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