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Blake D. Bauer: Author of You Were Not Born to Suffer

Published on 12/09/2020

What is your lifes purpose?

My life’s purpose is to 1) live fully and enjoy this life as much as possible before I die, 2) to bring love into every situation I enter, and 3) to help other people learn how to love, value, and care for themselves practically as the path to freedom from suffering, inner peace, and happiness.

How are you living your purpose?

Each day I do my best to take care of my health, to do things that bring me joy, to learn and grow in myself, to treat the people in my life as well as I’m able to, and then I have a number of projects I’m working on to continue supporting other people on their healing, spiritual, and personal growth journey.

In my book, You Were Not Born to Suffer, I explain why depression, addiction, physical illness, unfulfilling work, and relationship problems are caused by years of hiding your true emotions, denying your life purpose, and living in fear. Having already helped thousands of people find lasting solutions that conventional medicine, psychiatry, or religion couldn’t offer, You Were Not Born to Suffer will show you how to free yourself from these destructive thoughts, habits, and situations that keep you from being happy and well.

I teach retreats regularly that support groups of people to improve the quality of their life, health, and relationships. I’m also working on a second non-fiction book, which one day I hope will benefit many people. I am also in the middle to producing short practical videos to share on the internet and social media, which will be very helpful to a large number of people.

Lastly, I have started developing a few films 1) because the process itself brings me joy and 2) because I feel they will impact people who don’t read non-fiction books.


How did you find your purpose?

I suffered deeply in my teens and early 20s. I had a painful upbringing and developed a very destructive relationship to alcohol, drugs, and food. I hit a rock bottom at 18, after getting a very bad DUI on pharmaceutical pills, cannabis, and alcohol. I was a co-captain of the varsity football team at this time with interest to play college football. But when my coach found out he immediately kicked me off the team. This triggered a downward spiral where I found myself tortured mentally and emotionally with no idea about what to do. I had destroyed my young fragile identity and ego. This led to me having no idea who I was or what to do with my life, and then I fell into an even darker place where I was suicidally depressed, anxious, insecure, paranoid from my drug use, and deeply confused.

Instinctually a feeling grew inside me that there had to be a way out of my suffering. I believed that life was not meant to be so hard, which led me on a quest to find freedom, peace, health, and clarity of purpose in life. From 18 onward I devoted myself to my healing because nothing else mattered to me. I worked in the alternative health space, I went to five universities, I studied practices like yoga, meditation, and Qi Gong daily in depth, and I read hundreds of books on health, healing, spirituality, religion, science, and personal development.

Eventually I realized that my entire healing, spiritual, and educational journey was really my process of learning how to love, value, and take good care of myself. From all my training, I could see and outline how most forms of mental and physical health issues were the result of us never learning how to love, value, and care for ourselves practically as children. Our parents, teachers, and community leaders didn’t really know how to do that for themselves so they couldn’t teach us, and so this cycle of self-destruction was being passed on from generation to generation.

I was desperate to transform my own pain and to understand how to really heal, be happy, and find purpose in life. So when I found this clarity, I very naively and genuinely just wanted to tell as many people as I could. The very next thought was, “I’m going to write a book.” I became overwhelmingly driven to explain to as many people as I could what brought me clarity and relief, in hopes that it would do the same for them.

I have been very lucky to have now spent almost two decades helping people to overcome their struggles and shape a life that feels good to them. I focus on staying well and inspired so I can remain of benefit for years to come.


What advice do you have for purpose seekers?

The true purpose of life is to enjoy your time here, while learning about love, and understanding how to bring a loving presence into every moment, day, and situation. The key to both of these is understanding exactly how to love, value, care for, and be true to yourself every day, in every situation.

It’s common to seek our purpose externally, believing it has to be some grand mission in the world. But the truth is that this tendency is born from not valuing oneself enough. In other words, you, your health, your happiness, and your self-respect are your purpose, which then translate into being of benefit to the world. You are the one you’ve been looking and waiting for.

Most people, especially “purpose seekers,” suffer with feeling inadequate and unworthy. As a result, our search for our purpose becomes tainted with the belief that we have to be more, do more, or have more to fulfill our purpose, to be happy, to be loved, or to feel successful. This can become a trap if we never fully understand that valuing ourselves and becoming the most genuine expression of health, love, awareness, and kindness are far more important than anything we achieve externally.


What resources do you recommend?
The Power of Now by Eckart Tolle
When Things Fall Apart by Pema Chodron
The Alchemist by Paula Coelho

Helpful Meditation – Shambhala Meditation
Shambhala Blog


Connect with Blake D. Bauer:
Contact: Visit my website and click contact
Book: You Were Not Born to Suffer: Overcome Fear, Insecurity and Depression and Love Yourself Back to Happiness, Confidence and Peace
Website: Unconditional Self-Love


Blake D. Bauer is the author of the international bestselling book You Were Not Born To Suffer. Each year he helps thousands of people who cannot find effective support from conventional psychology, medicine, or religion. Blake is a world-renowned teacher and speaker with an extensive background in psychology, alternative medicine, nutrition, traditional healing, and mindfulness meditation. Based on both his personal experience overcoming deep suffering, addiction, and adversity, as well as his professional success with over 100,000 people worldwide, Blake’s pioneering work integrates what he’s found to be the most effective approaches to optimal mental, emotional, and physical health. For more information about the book, please visit https://www.unconditional-selflove.com and Facebook and follow the author on Facebook and Instagram.

HeleneTStelian Musing
I’m Hélène Stelian, the Midlife Mentor with a passion for facilitating personal development in women 40+. Through my THRIVE Courses, I help introspective, curious, action-oriented women 40+ deepen their journeys of self-discovery and growth—and create their next chapter with courage and intention.



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