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Denise Wiesner, Author of Conceiving With Love

Published on 10/23/2019

What is your life’s purpose?
My passion in life is to help people heal with mind, body and spirit medicine and to increase intimacy, love, and fertility.

How are you living your purpose?
I am practicing Chinese Medicine and own a clinic in West Los Angeles called Natural Healing & Acupuncture. My speciality is fertility but I also treat pain and cancer.

A special niche that I am passionate about is to treat sexual issues. I became a certified sex coach because I saw that my patients didn’t have anyone to talk to about the topic of sexuality. I read many books on the topic of fertility but found no one integrating sexuality with fertility and clearly, you need to have sex in order to make a baby.

To that end, I wrote a book called Conceiving with Love: A Whole-Body Approach to Creating Intimacy, Reigniting Passion, and Increasing Fertility. I want to begin the conversation around sexuality and give patients Eastern secrets to increase their health, fertility, and intimacy. I want the next generation, born out of love, to help change the planet.


How did you find your purpose?
I myself was having issues trying to get pregnant with my second child. When I was pregnant with the first one, I found out I was a Tay-Sachs carrier and so was my partner. That meant that in each pregnancy, the baby would have a 25% chance of  having Tay-Sachs (a fatal disease caused by missing an enzyme for development).

Luckily, my first child was fine. However, when I was trying for a second child, I had a miscarriage; then three months later, I had to terminate a baby at eleven weeks because it tested positive for Tay-Sachs. After that, it took me a long time to conceive,  The stress and pressure started to erode my relationship in the intimacy department. I felt sad, depressed, anxious and all I thought about was trying to conceive. I went to many healers who didn’t help. There was no integration of Western and Eastern medicine.

During the process I found that I had hypothyroidism, an underactive thyroid, which is not good for fertility. I also learned a lot about fertility from an Eastern perspective. I finally had a second child and started to work with women and men going through the challenges of infertility. I found that many started to talk to me about their sex lives because they didn’t have anyone else to talk to. When they tried to talk to their doctors, they were brushed off and no one gave them a suggestion of where to go for help.

My passion is to decrease the shame around the topic of sexuality and give couples tools to help them heal. As it turns out, MDs only have about 20 hours in their training devoted to sexuality.


What advice do you have for purpose seekers?
Find something that you love to do, that makes you smile, that lights up your life and possibly the lives of others. It doesn’t have to fit in a mold. Be creative, work with a coach and most importantly, follow your heart!


What resources do you recommend?
If you are interested in Chinese Medicine, check out the first book I ever read on the topic, The Web That Has No Weaver : Understanding Chinese Medicine by Ted Kaptchuck. Another book I recommend is Between Heaven and Earth: A Guide to Chinese Medicine by Harriet Beinfield and  Efrem Korngold.

You can also check out schools that teach Traditional Chinese Medicine in your area. If you are interested in sexuality, a good place to start is  American Association of Sexuality Educators, Counselors and Therapists (www.aasect.org).


Connect with Denise Wiesner:
Contact: https://www.denisewiesner.com/contact
Book: Conceiving with Love: A Whole-Body Approach to Creating Intimacy, Reigniting Passion, and Increasing Fertility
Website: https://www.denisewiesner.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/denisewiesnerlac
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/denisewiesnerlac/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/denise-wiesner-ab4701/


Denise Wiesner
, LAc, FABORM, founder of the Natural Healing and Acupuncture Clinic in West Los Angeles, is an internationally recognized traditional Chinese medicine practitioner, specializing in the Whole Systems Chinese medicine approach to women’s health, sexuality, and fertility. Since 1994, Denise has treated and helped women manage challenges from menstrual disorders through menopause, and from infertility to pregnancy. Using a combination of acupuncture, diet and lifestyle counseling, nutritional supplements, and Chinese herbs, Denise has helped thousands of couples navigate the tricky, and often stressful, journey toward fertility, without losing their loving connection. She has a Bachelor’s of Science in Exercise Kinesiology (UCLA), a Master of Arts in traditional Chinese medicine (Emperor’s College), and is a certified sex coach. She is board-certified by the State of California and the American Board of Oriental Reproductive Medicine (ABORM), and a charter member of the Fertile Soul: Clinical Excellence in Fertility program. Denise teaches professional seminars to medical doctors, OB/GYNs, and nurse midwives on the application of Chinese medicine in obstetrics and gynecology and has published articles on acupuncture and infertility. In addition to a thriving private practice, Denise lectures at conferences, works closely with reproductive endocrinologists, and is a professor in the doctoral program in Chinese Medicine, Fertility, and Women’s Health at Yo San University. Denise enjoys leading groups for individuals and couples to help their fertility journey, incorporating breath, meditation, and education.


HeleneTStelian Musing
I’m Hélène Stelian, the Midlife Mentor with a passion for facilitating personal development in women 40+. Through my THRIVE Courses, I help introspective, curious, action-oriented women 40+ deepen their journeys of self-discovery and growth—and create their next chapter with courage and intention.



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