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Embracing Our Wisdom

I remember, back in the ’80s, gathering with my girlfriends in our college dorm’s common room to exercise to Jane Fonda’s videotapes. We wore thick, shiny tights and cotton t-shirts – before the wonders of today’s lightweight, wicking fabrics.

While Fonda is no stranger to controversy, she has never shied away from speaking her voice—even when others tried to shut her up. At 82, she is as vibrant and outspoken as ever (love her show Grace and Frankie on Netflix, with the also amazing Lily Tomlin!).

In her TED Talk, Life’s Third Act, Fonda encourages us to move beyond the old “paradigm of age” and embrace the potential of our later years to achieve “wisdom, wholeness, and authenticity.” She challenges us to free ourselves from our past through forgiveness, thereby opening a path for a more positive future.

“It’s not having experiences that makes us wise, it’s reflecting on the experiences that we’ve had that makes us wise and that helps us become whole, brings wisdom and authenticity; it helps us become what we might have been.”

YOUR TURN: How are YOU speaking up and embracing the wisdom of your later years?

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