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Signe Myers Hovem: Embodying Authenticity

Published on 10/12/2021

What is your lifes purpose?

The essence of my life’s purpose has centered on exploring and embodying authenticity and honoring the sacredness of language as a spiritual tool.

How are you living your purpose?

I’ve come to experience honest introspection as a courageous feat, particularly when it leads to self-love and creative expression. I rely on self-awareness and my intention to live a centered and balanced life as a means to cultivate authenticity. I also add in the special sauce of acceptance and forgiveness for myself and others, as needed. I use practices such as meditation, journaling, and breath and energy work to help expand and shift perceptions that are formed more from conformity than from compassion.

I have offered my services as Spiritual Counselor since 2003 and focus much of my teachings on the sacredness of language to help others examine how to become more conscious creators.


How did you find your purpose?

Thankfully, I found my purpose through my unrelenting curious and questioning nature, which ultimately aided me when I was feeling lost and seeking answers in my early thirties as a young mother to four children and a young wife living in a foreign country. My story of discovery began when I started looking inward for the answers I sought, rather than being pre-occupied with external seeking.

The quote that I use to begin my book, The Space in Between: An Empaths Field Guide, is at the heart of my life’s purpose: “Learn who you are and be such.” (Pindar, ancient Greek poet.) So, who am I? Truly, really, authentically?

It took me nearly ten years to craft an answer to this prompt, and my book showcases how my life experiences and self-awareness grew the more I accepted that my intuitive empathic nature is the authentic part of me. I have come to understand that authenticity is where self-empowerment dwells, and I define authenticity as “pure unimagining.” Take a moment to consider what pure unimagining means. Imagination is a powerful creative tool, and yet who you are authentically will not need to rely on imagination. The natural world is authentic and stands before each of us as a model of balance and interdependence.

When I began to notice how conformity is essentially censorship, I began to examine how empathic persons’ reality is dismissed even through the dictionary’s narrow definition, which places the word’s origin in science fiction and fantasy. My purpose is most keenly felt in moments when I am actively clearing a path to the truth of who we are as sensitive, human beings: we are intuitive, sensory, spiritual and multidimensional. Anyone telling you otherwise has an agenda or is caught up in fear.

What advice do you have for purpose seekers?

What I have found helpful in my own life, is noticing when I feel contracted and when I feel expanded in relationships and environments. I also advise people to pay attention to how language is couriering energy and influencing perception. For me, there are energetic partnerships that can lead me into deeper meanings and applications of experiencing life. For example, acceptance is more easily accessible when I’ve forgiven what was out of balance in myself or others. So, forgiveness is a stepping stone to acceptance. But acceptance can also usher in forgiveness. Rather than a door on a hinge that only goes one way, they are more of a revolving door, allowing access to both energies. Feel for yourself the difference if you merely accept something without the forgiveness. Or forgive something without truly accepting the situation.

For me, purpose and passion are in a partnership as well. We typically find our purpose when we allow our passion to ignite our interest and express what is in our heart. So rather than be fixated on what is your purpose, I would suggest you start looking at your passions and what do you naturally resonate with: the environment, the arts, the sciences, social justice, creative expression, athletics, etc.  Ask yourself, does your passion lend a sense of purpose and meaning to your life? If so, explore ways in which you can connect with your passions in a purposeful manner.

My love of language took an unexpected turn when I had children with language disabilities. Life will present opportunities for you to experience your passions in unimaginable ways. Are you paying attention to how your life experiences are already giving you the resources for growth, opportunities, and ultimately a sense of purpose?


What resources do you recommend?

Breath: The Science of the Lost Art by James Nestor
A Return to Love by Marianne Williamson
Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear by Elizabeth Gilbert
Energy Speaks: Messages from Spirit on Living, Loving, and Awakening by Lee Harris

Instructional Resources:
Eden Method Energy Medicine
Dr. Sue Morter, Morter Institute
Melaney Ryan Institute of Applied Consciousness
HeartMath Institute
SAND (Science and Non-duality Organization)

Connect with Signe Myers Hovem:
Contact page: https://www.smhovem.com/connect
Website: www.smhovem.com (sign up for monthly newsletter and events)
Book: The Space in Between: An Empath’s Field Guide
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/smhovem/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/empathfieldguide

Signe Myers Hovem is the author of The Space in Between: An Empaths Field Guide. She has created homes on five continents over twenty years, raised four uniquely sensitive children, pursued a special education lawsuit appealed to the US Supreme Court, volunteered in a hospice in Texas and an orphanage in Azerbaijan, worked as a spiritual counselor in Houston Texas, and taught workshops and trainings in the art of being an empath and the power of language in many countries around the world. She splits her time between Boulder, Colorado, and Oslo, Norway.

HeleneTStelian Musing
I’m Hélène Stelian, the Midlife Mentor with a passion for facilitating personal development in women 40+. Through my THRIVE Courses, I help introspective, curious, action-oriented women 40+ deepen their journeys of self-discovery and growth—and create their next chapter with courage and intention.



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